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Frequently Asked Questions

What services does Urban Filings offer?
Urban Filings offers legal, CA, and CS services online. These include Startup, Trademark, GST, Income Tax, and Consultation services.
What makes Urban Filings different from other legal solutions platforms?
Urban Filings is India's largest and most trusted legal solutions platform. It has an overall rating of 4.9 out of 5 based on over 42,188 reviews, which speaks to its credibility and reliability.
Where is the office of Urban Filings located?
The office of Urban Filings is located in Delhi, India.
Can Urban Filings provide tailor-made legal and compliance solutions?
Yes, Urban Filings offers the most reliable and tailor-made legal and compliance solutions to meet the unique needs of each client.
How can Urban Filings help with Startup services?
Urban Filings provides comprehensive Startup services, including company registration, drafting of legal documents, and compliance support.
Can Urban Filings help with Trademark registration?
Yes, Urban Filings can help with Trademark registration, which includes searching for available trademarks, filing the application, and responding to objections.
Can Urban Filings provide services to international clients?
At the moment, Urban Filings primarily provides services to clients based in India. However, if you are an international client seeking legal services in India, you can still reach out to Urban Filings and they will assist you to the best of their ability.
Can Urban Filings help with GST registration and compliance?
Yes, Urban Filings offers GST registration and compliance support, which includes filing GST returns, responding to notices, and maintaining records.
Can Urban Filings assist with Income Tax matters?
Yes, Urban Filings can assist with Income Tax matters, including filing Income Tax returns, responding to notices, and tax planning.
Can Urban Filings provide legal consultation services?
Yes, Urban Filings offers legal consultation services to provide clients with guidance on various legal matters.
Why should I choose Urban Filings for my legal and compliance needs?
Urban Filings is the most trusted and reliable legal solutions platform in India. With a proven track record of excellence and an unwavering commitment to client satisfaction, you can trust Urban Filings to provide the best possible legal and compliance solutions for your business.
Can I get in touch with Urban Filings for any queries or support?
Yes, you can get in touch with Urban Filings for any queries or support through their website or by contacting their customer support team. Urban Filings prides itself on its customer support and is always available to answer any questions or provide assistance.
Is Urban Filings accessible to clients across India?
Yes, Urban Filings is accessible to clients across India. As an online legal solutions platform, clients can easily access Urban Filings' services from anywhere in India.
Need help? Call our support team at 088-1800-2999